Christopher D. E. Willoughby is a historian of slavery and medicine in the United States and Atlantic World
Christopher D. E. Willoughby is a historian of slavery and medicine in the United States and Atlantic World
Better Together Dialogue: Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools, Harvard Medical School, November 9, 2022. At this event, I gave a lecture about my book Masters of Health, and discuss it with Harvard faculty member Scott Podolsky.
LSU Press Facebook Live Author Series on Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery, January 13, 2022. In this roundtable, Sean Morey Smith and I discuss our edited volume Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery with contributors Rana Hogarth and Mary Hicks, who discuss their essays on slave hospitals in Charleston, South Carolina and enslaved sangradores (barber surgeons) in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil respectively.
Symposium: Legacies of Slavery, Racism, and Empire in the History of Medicine, University of Chicago Center in Paris, November 12, 2021. I co-organized this symposium on recent and forthcoming books in the history of medicine and racism with Elodie Edwards-Grossi. The whole event includes talks from Elodie Edwards-Grossi, Rana Hogarth, Delphine Peiretti-Courtis, Ezelle Sanford, and myself with comments from Nathalie Dessens and Jim Downs.
Podcast Lecture: "Which Public?: Race, Slavery, and Health in the Antebellum United States," Intervals Podcast, Organization of American Historians. Christopher D. E. Willoughby on the intersection between public health and enslavement in the antebellum United States. Followed by a Q & A with Christopher Brick and Kariann Yokota. May 2021.
LSU Press Remote Author Series on Charting the Plantation Landscape from Natchez to New Orleans: Laura Kilcer VanHuss, William Horne, and Christopher Willoughby in conversation about their chapters in VanHuss’s new edited volume. May 2021.
Roundtable Webinar: “Politics, Performance, and Pseudoscience.” Featuring Sari Altschuler, Christine (Xine) Yao, Christopher D.E. Willoughby, and Eunice Toh. Unprecedented: A CALS Webinar Series. Center for American Literary Studies. The Pennsylvania State University. February 2021.
Session 4: Slavery and Medicine: What was Penn's Role? Moderator:Dorothy Roberts. Daina Ramey Berry, Sowande' Mustakeem, Rana Hogarth, Christopher Willoughby.
Roundtable: “Slavery and Medicine: What was Penn’s Role?” Featuring Daina Ramey Berry, Rana Hogarth, Sowandé M. Mustakeem, Dorothy Roberts, and Christopher D. E. Willoughby. Penn & Slavery Project Symposium. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. April 2019.
Podcast: “Dr. Chris Willoughby- Racialized Medicine.” Ten Minute History. Podcast. May 20, 2019.
Podcast: “Episode 7: Anarcha,1828?-Unknown.” Slate Academy: The History of American Slavery. Podcast. September 3, 2015. Jamelle Bouie, Deirdre Cooper Owens, Rebecca Onion, and Christoher D. E. Willoughby in conversation about the history of medicine and slavery.